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SLOSS Furnaces is a National Historic Landmark of Birmingham, AL. Formerly among the world's largest manufacturers of pig iron, SLOSS furnaces continues to represent Birmingham's industrial past and artistic present. 

Spark @ SLOSS is a new initiative being launched within the nationally recognized metal arts program and museum of industry. This project is geared towards providing underprivileged children with the opportunity to learn about arts and design.

SLOSS sponsored Auburn's 2017 Fall studio to design iron casted products to be sold in their gift shop in order to generate revenue to support Spark @ SLOSS. 


When consumers buy a souvenir, they do so to remember the places they traveled. It's almost as if they want to take home a piece of their journey with them. 

Initial Concept

I based the chess pieces on the SLOSS skyline- an iconic identifier of the historic landmark as well as for Birmingham. 

Each piece of the chessboard is based off of actual buildings and structures at the restored furnaces. 


I based the chess pieces on the SLOSS skyline- an iconic identifier of the historic landmark as well as for Birmingham. 

Each piece of the chessboard is based off of actual buildings and structures at the restored furnaces. 

Road block: distinguishing board 

Going into CAD

Final Product

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